Dental Abscesses: Do you know how they form and how to combat them?
Dental Abscesses are formed due to an infection of bacterial origin, it is an accumulation of pus. It is an inflammatory process that is painful and that puts both the gums and the teeth t risk. Its cause may be due to a cavity that was not treated in time, or it may also be the result of a fissure. or crack in a tooth, and as a consequence of that crack, it gives way to bacteria, which accumulate and cause infection.
Diseases such as gingivitis and even more periodontitis, are also the main causes of dental abscesses. If they are not treated in time, they can cause damage to the structure of the tooth, and the most serious thing would be that it can affect the bone structure of the jaw. In the following article, we will talk about its symptoms and what would be the appropriate treatment.
Symptoms and Treatment of Dental Abscesses.
These are some of the main symptoms, and that alert you that you may have dental abscesses:
- Intense and continuous toothache
-Swollen neck glands
-Discomfort when chewing
-Fever-Tooth sensitivity to hot or cold
-Inflammation of the gum around the inflamed tooth.
It is essential if you have any of these symptoms, to go to your trusted dentist before the infection intensifies and spreads and to avoid further complications. Your dentist will primarily try to stop the infection. As a first step, he will extract all the pus through a small incision and wash the area very well and proceed to prescribe an antibiotic. The goal is to save the tooth.
So, now you know how dental abscesses work and how to combat them. Reach out if you need assistance and never wait for the infection to spread.