Overcoming dental anxiety is for many, the biggest hurdle to overcome when caring for those pearly whites. In fact, statistics show that 36% of people suffer from dental anxiety, with a further 12% experiencing extreme dental anxiety cases.
The good news is that nitrous oxide is one of the safest, non-addictive pain-relieving agents available for dental procedures. So if you find yourself with sweaty palms and a racing heart before your family dentist appointment, this blog post is for you.
We’ll cover everything you need to know about Nitrous Oxide Laughing Gas, including what it is, how it works, what dental work it’s used for, the benefits, and lastly, who can benefit from this relieving alternative.
What is Nitrous Oxide Laughing Gas?
Nitrous oxide is a gas that is made up of two parts oxygen and one part nitrogen. When you inhale this mixture through a mask, the gas will enter your bloodstream and easily cross over the blood-brain barrier to help activate neurotransmitters in your brain that are responsible for blocking pain messages to your mind.
How Does it Work?
Nitrous oxide dental laughing gas initially acts as a tranquilizer by slowing down the messages flowing between the brain and the body. And since dental anxiety or fear are often caused by the anticipation of pain, when you breathe in nitrous oxide, it rapidly works directly on the part of the brain that regulates feelings of panic and anxiety.
It slows down these messages to your body, meaning that you aren't quite as anxious about the dental procedure.
Does Nitrous Oxide Laughing Gas Work for Dental Anxiety?
Dental anxiety and the anticipation of feeling discomfort can make it difficult to get through a procedure like a root canal or a wisdom tooth extraction, but breathing nitrous oxide can help reduce your anxiety and produce a calming effect.
The following procedures can benefit from using laughing gas to help lower your anxiety:
Dental implants
Dental crowns
Dental fillings
Dental cleanings
Dental extractions
Benefits of using nitrous oxide laughing gas
There are many benefits to using nitrous oxide for oral surgery or for dental procedures:
Reduces fear and anxiety
Reduces stress hormones
Acts as a pain reliever
Safe and non-addictive
Considering nitrous oxide works so well for most procedures, it is a great way to keep up with your dental appointments, if like many, you would rather put off that visit with your family dentist until the pain is unbearable!
Who can benefit from this treatment?
Studies have shown that women tend to fear dental visits more than men, and adults to fear them more than children. But anyone who is attending a family dentistry clinic for the first time, or finds themselves in need of repeat dental work, can benefit from using nitrous oxide for their dental visit.
Due to the benefits of this amazing gas, it is safe for both children and adults, alike.
Key Takeaways
As you can see, nitrous oxide can be used to have a more relaxed and comfortable appointment. It will help reduce dental anxiety and can be used for any treatment including implants, crowns, extractions, fillings, and even cleanings.
So what are you waiting for? Try it out at your next visit to your family dentist and see the benefits of this amazing gas. Your healthier teeth and peace of mind will no doubt thank you for it!